
Sunday Shoe Porn

by - May 06, 2012

As promised! Here is my yummy Sunday Shoe Porn post!

Because... who doesn't love lusting over ridiculously priced shoes?...

Speaking of shoes, I bought the most perfect pair of flatforms (finally). They were from Sears by a brand called Trend Report. Originally $35, I bought them on sale for $19.99. Tell me that isn't a steal. The straps are comfortable, the height isn't bad at all, and the color is amazingly versatile. Everything I could ask for in a flatform...for 20 bucks. I almost cried.

I'll post a picture of them later when I get a chance to wear them.

For now, please enjoy these wonderful pictures of flats, wedges, and heels~

Alexander McQueen "Suede Skull Loafer" $645

Charlotte Olympia "Wire Heel Platform Sandal" $2395

Casadei "Cutout Platform Sandal" $995

Pour La-Victoire "Suede-Platform Sandal" $250

Reed Krakoff "Slingback Architect Wedge" $795

Lanvin "Metallic Python Wedge Sandal" $1193

Enzo Angiolini "Timga Color Block" $120

Nike "Free Run 3 Running Shoe" $100

Charlotte Olympia "Ankle Strap Pump" $945

Steve Madden "Traisie" $79.95

Not sure if you guys are completely sick of me posting pictures of shoes yet (I hope not!) but I think next time, I will do a post on shoes that I really dislike/can't stand. Look forward to it!

Until then,

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  1. thanks! i'm happy you like it! and yes i'd love to!


  2. I am a huge fan of Casadei shoes =) what a great shoe selection you have here !
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