

jennnngo is my own blog, a personal space to share my thoughts and opinions. Therefore, all opinions and/or statements made on this space is entirely my own and are not representative of individuals or groups unassociated with the blog owner. All external opinions and/or statements will be explicitly noted for readers. Opinions shared on this blog are not meant to harm or offend any individual or group. Should any problems arise, please visit the contact page to speak with the blog owner.

This is a place created by the blog owner to communicate, share, and learn with and from others in the fashion community. The information shared may or may not be entirely accurate. However, the owner of jennnngo will provide accurate information to the best of her ability and at no point will she intentionally provide false information. The owner of the blog is not responsible for any subsequent consequences from reading material from the blog. Terms are subject to change.

Unless stated otherwise, all photos, text content, and opinions are my own. Photos may not be used without either a) owner's permission and/or b) credit to the owner.

Honesty is the best policy. Let's keep it that way for our community!
