
August/September/Birthday Wishlist

by - July 27, 2012

Online window shopping is probably the best thing that ever happened to the Internet but it can be heart-wrenching if you're like me: a broke unemployed college student and a cheapo to boot.

But that won't stop me from looking! And spending hours obsessing and praying that someone will just drop a check off in my mailbox for a total of $500 million.

Barnes and Noble Art of Edo Japan

Steve Madden ELTONN BRIGHT MULTI in 6.5

Jeffrey Campbell Skulltini Black-Gold in 6.5

Nasty Gal Spiked Crossbody Bag in Black

Nikon 1 J1 in White

1) I don't remember if I mentioned it on this blog or on my tumblr, but I still want that Art of Edo Japan book by Christine Guth. Because learning and reading is rad.

2) I came across these shoes at a Marshall's a while ago and they were only $19.99 but they didn't have my size. Naturally, I was unbelievably gutted because these shoes were so comfortable and so funky. I loved them.

3) Tiny gold skulls...Jeffrey Campbell...flats...This shoe is so perfect, I just want to weep tears every time I see it. But the price has me weeping too.

4) Handbags were never my "thing" but this one is a beaut. So many textures going on with the fur on the front flap, the silver chain, the leather, and the studs. My hands are tempted to reach right into my Macbook screen and caress it...

5) I wanted this camera since it first came out. Crazy sleek silhouette and the white is so classic and modern. I can only dream! Or save up, which is the more realistic and time consuming option.

What are your must haves or wish-you-could-haves for this month?

Until next time,
{kissies for all}

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