
Sneaker Wedges

by - July 25, 2012

I'm almost positive that I saw this trend in Asia a few years ago but don't quote me on that. The sneaker wedge might be an acquired taste, depending on the types of shoes you're used to wearing.

1. The height.
2. The comfort.
3. The casual look.

Okay, so the height is self explanatory. It's a wedge. The comfort part would depend on whether on not you wear heels often. To some people, walking in wedges is a step up from flat shoes but not as painful as a pointy stiletto. That being said, if you've NEVER worn heels, it may be not as comfortable as you're used to a sneaker being.

Lastly, the casual look. Sneakers have always been associated with athletic activity or something to throw on if you're running a few errands...just doing something that isn't really a formal event. But sneaker wedges, because of the shape and height, can make a casual outfit look more put together while still maintaining the laid-back feel.

If you're a shortie like me AND you prefer wearing good-feeling shoes, then a sneaker wedge might be your savior. A nude color will even elongate your legs if you plan on wearing them with shorts or even a short flowy skirt.

Sneaker Wedges

Check out the original post here.

The way I decided to style it is with a hoodie, colored denim, and a leather jacket. This was inspired by Youtube guru, Wendyslookbook! I remember seeing it for her Valentine's video and thinking that it was a brilliant way to dress up a hoodie. Since the color of the pants and the design of the shoes can appear very girly, the leather jacket helps toughen up the outfit.

As for all the accessories, it's up to you! It really depends on what you're wearing this outfit for. I think since the pieces are so basic, it makes accessorizing very versatile.

Just in case you're curious, please check out my polyvore for details on specific items featured above.

That's all I got for today. I hope you enjoyed this post :)

Until next we meet,
{kissy faces}

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