
Fal...ling In Love?

by - September 19, 2012

Nope. Not a post about anything related to romance (harhar). Just a lame play on words to introduce you to a fall wishlist! or random "I feel like showing everyone what I want to buy but can't afford" list!

Before I start, I just want to genuinely apologize for not writing a new post in 10 days. It seems unbearably bizarre, compared to how often I updated over the summer. But, I had a bit of spare time today so I thought I'd do a simple wishlist post, in honor of it being my birthday this Saturday.

Can I get a woowoot?

Let me know down below what you're pining for this week!

Dragonfly Cuff

Public Display Dress

Gorilla Skater Dress

Suede Crystal Brogues

Printed Silk Blouse

Shell Collar Necklace

Barb Wire Bracelet

Insight Colab Cable Crew

Spare The Drama Dress

HOOPLAH. You made it to the end. Yay.

Let me know stuff about your life. Your wishlist must have item. Your favorite fruit. Anything and everything! :)

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  1. that green dress is so wonderful:)
    please visit me in free time:)

    1. isn't it?? I think the mesh makes it so sexy! but not in a non-classy way :)

  2. Yay, so happy to have you back! I got so sad every time I visited and saw you were still gone :( I definitely know how that is, though, it's so difficult to find time now that school has started again. But anyway, these are all so awesome. Those oxfords are just...I'm drooling. And my wishlist includes EVERYTHING. Really. I want everything for fall.

    1. ahhh, I'm so sorry! I felt so sad not being able to visit your blog (I tried though!) and yeah. school and work is seriously consuming all of my time. :(

      lmao! I recently got a job at a shoe store and literally, I bawl so hard seeing all these gorgeous shoes and trying to resist the urge to buy out the store...

  3. Love these designs! Very though out and structured! Thanks for stopping by my blog, love yours!
    Material Fixations

    1. no problem! and definitely. I love every single one of them.

  4. I love all of the things! Great Taste!

    Love Storm

  5. I must say that I did fall in love with these pieces... ooh! that drama dress! my favorite :)


  6. wow I totally love all these pieces too. haha wish I could afford all of them! especially those crystal brogues <3


    1. me too! I'm eagerly awaiting my paycheck. mwahahahah :)

  7. I love,looove everything here,babe!Great job!;-)


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