
A Smile For Your Thoughts

by - March 21, 2017

What is the first thing you think about before you go to bed and the first thing you think about when you wake up?

For me, I tend to think a lot of what ifs and agonize over the fact that I even have to get out of bed every morning. That kind of negativity, though, can set your mood for the rest of the day. It's not healthy and it's not a happy way to live.

Instead, if you think at least one happy thought in the morning and one at night, you are setting the tone for how your day starts, goes, and ends. You may still come across some bad luck-- getting fired, stepping on gum, making a mistake on a test. But if you end the day focused on that bad energy, you'll end up forgetting any of the good stuff that may have happened as well.

Okay so you stepped in gum that day. You also found $5 in your pants pocket and someone complimented you on your hair. Rather than celebrating those small victories, your mind tunnels only onto the negative.

You have to make a conscious effort. 
It's hard but if you train your mind to focus on the positive, rather than the negative, your whole world can change.

Have you ever woken up and felt dissatisfied by the way you look? Have you ever gone to bed reliving a situation that happened earlier that day over and over, wishing things happened differently? Have you ever thought that you weren't good enough? Well, I have. It sucks because deep down, I know I am good enough. I am pretty enough. I am smart enough. I am funny enough. Mistakes happen. Nothing is perfect. Yada yada!

You've heard it before.

Today, I want to share some fresh new inspiration with you. Remember them all, or one, or none. Whatever the case, I hope you get something good out of this.

For every moment you feel weak, scared, anxious, or uncertain, there is a potential in you to fight it with courage. The difference between someone who is happy with their life and someone who is not is how often he or she summons that courage.

No one is exactly 100% like you. As a society, we are trained to blend in and accept the 'norm' but who defines what is normal? If you consider that 'norms' are constantly changing, then it only makes sense that you would never fit inside a predetermined bubble. And that is perfectly acceptable.

Life isn't fair and it isn't a movie. You can't predict the future, despite what that tarot card salesman told you. So don't dwell on the worst case scenario and use it as an excuse to never do anything. You also shouldn't expect that everything will always go your way.

People who judge you for your looks do that because that's all they have. A person who truly values their own self worth would never feel the need to compare. So be empowered and know that what you have on the inside far surpasses what you have on the outside. Eventually when we all get old and pruny, all you'll really have left is the essence of who you are (and believe me, everyone is going to want to hang out with the cool grandma with the funny laughs and wild stories).

You control your happiness. Not your friends, your boyfriend, your mom, your third cousin...YOU. Stop playing the victim and start taking control. If you want that dream job, you go after that dream job. If you want to feel loved, give love. If you want people to appreciate you, appreciate others. If you want to be happy, be happy. Because uh, reality check? No one has the time to hand everything to you on a platter.

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  1. I absolutely love everything about this post!! I 100% agree that we all control our own happiness and that we can't let others dictate our lives!


    1. Thanks Courtney! It's so easy to do that though; I sometimes find myself so caught up in what other people want that I never even think to consider what I want.

  2. Well, I totally agree with you! About courage, about happiness, about being different. Thank you for this inspiring post!
    xx Elisa
    Francine's Place | Diy & Lifestyle Blog

  3. This is such a great post, I definitely need more positive thinking in my life, I spend for too much time on worries that shouldn't concern me.

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog
    My Instagram | Instagram

    1. I think it's okay to worry but it's not okay to let those feelings overwhelm everything else that's going on in your life! :)

  4. Ah way too cute, I love posts like this! You have a really lovely blog here by the way, keep up the amazing work lovely lady! x


  5. How Amazing, & it's nice to write your thoughts. Great work! )


  6. Love this post Jenn! I agree with you on so many levels. I recently purchased The Five Minute Journal and you write three things you are grateful for as soon as you wake up and then three things that happened during your day that were amazing before you go to be. It's such a great way to start and end the day on a positive note. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Clothes & Quotes

    1. Hey Shannon! I always go on and off with journaling (though I do love to write when big events happen in my life). I think it's great that you've gotten into that habit and I couldn't agree more-- it's a wonderful way to start and end the day :)

  7. such inspiring thoughts! thought #5 <3


    1. :) thanks! it's true though. I feel like people get upset or angry when other people don't do this or that but I say..if you want something done, do it yourself!

  8. This is an incredibly good and positivity filled article! Thank you for this. I loved reading it and I couldn't agree more with you. We need to start learning to look at things with more positivity and less negativity. Also, we control our happiness, so why not stop mopping around and start your day with a smile? :)

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

    1. Thanks Leta, that means a lot! and so true!! instead of moping, you can use that time to do something more productive or something that makes you happy :)

  9. Such an inspiring post in here! I do agree one positive thoughts in the morning will rescue the rest of our day, but honeslty thats a super hard thing to do. I will keep trying after reading this post, thanks for sharing!

    1. I totally understand! It really is hard sometimes to focus on the positive because the negative can be so overwhelming. But you just gotta keep going at it until it becomes a habit!


Thank you for taking the time to stop by! Always happy to hear your thoughts :)