
From The Big Screen: Me Before You

by - June 04, 2016

Hi guys,

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything and I am not trying to make excuses. There are a few things happening right now that have greater importance so I'm focusing on that. But I don't want to leave my blog hanging so today, we are doing another post for the From the Big Screen #FTBS series! By request, I am styling outfits from the movies, Me Before You. I have yet to see it but it looks like an interesting romance movie (which I am always down for!).

Leave it down below or tweet me @asmallbit what movie I should do next :)


Source 1

Me Before You (1)

Source 2

Me Before You (2)

Source 3

Me Before You (3)


I won't bore you guys with long winded explanations but basically, I took inspiration from each of these snippets from the movie to create outfits with a similar feel. Some are more 'accurate' than others. Which one was your favorite?

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  1. I love these! As always, haha. I haven't seen Me Before You yet but I'd love to change that soon. It looks like incredible movie :)

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

    1. I finally got around to watching it and it turned out to be such a good movie!

  2. I've never watched this movie, but I would definitely love to watch it! I love the black shoes in the first picture.
    Aleeha xXx

  3. I just watched Me Before You a few days ago! You really captured the essence of Lou, especially her unique, fun personality through her clothes! Love the outfits <3

    xx Bash |   go say   H E Y   B A S H

  4. these red color outfits are cool.


Thank you for taking the time to stop by! Always happy to hear your thoughts :)