
The Fashion Tag: 2015

by - November 16, 2015

Hey guys!

Feeling a bit under the weather this week so I'm gonna go with a simple but fun tag post. I'm not sure if this Fashion Tag is old or not but I hope you enjoy it anyway. All of you reading are now tagged. Be sure to let me know if you do this tag as well...I would love to read your answers and get to know you better :)

I found this from Anna Saccone's blog by the way so be sure to check her out as well!

Alright, let's do this~


1. How would you describe your style?

I think this is true for a lot of people but it's pretty difficult to pinpoint my exact style. It depends on my mood, the weather, what clean clothes I have left, and what looks good to me. Sometimes, I will go for a full-on, urban chic look, complete with a graphic sweatshirt and a snapback. Other times, I dress up with a sweater, button-down, and ankle boots. I will say though...I definitely have a casual style. I don't wear stiletto heels or short skirts or flashy sequins (nothing wrong with them! just not part of my comfort zone).

2. What are your wardrobe staples?

Absolutely, a chambray shirt or some kind of button-down that I can layer with. It's an easy way to look put together but not over dressed. My other wardrobe staples would be a great pair of ripped jeans and ankle boots. You can go anywhere with those!

3. Most expensive item in your closet?

Movado watch. This was actually given to me as a gift from my dad for my birthday. I don't spend a lot on fashion items because I typically wear them out quickly! I don't wear a lot of pink but this watch brings out pink accents on my clothing, which is nice.

4. Most wanted item?

This cobalt blue purse from 3.1 Phillip Lim! I have no idea what it's called but I've been dying for a bright blue purse for a while now.

5. Favorite designer?

Peter Dundas has been my favorite designer for years now. I love what he's done at Emilio Pucci. Everything is sensual but free-flowing!

Emilio Pucci Spring 2015 RTW

6. How much do you spend on clothes?

As I said before, I don't spend a lot on clothing! I love finding great deals and I always ask myself if I really need it or if I really love it before buying. It helps me cut down on impulse buys. At most, I'll spend $50 to $100 during a shopping trip.

7. What are your favorite places to shop?

H&M is a pretty good place to get cheap but trendy pieces. I also love Zara, Gap, Urban Outfitters, and LOFT (great for classic pieces).

8. Favorite fragrance?

My Garnier shampoo?! Haha, honestly I don't wear perfume that often but the two that I use constantly are from PINK and the other is a SUPER old one from Charlotte Russe. I swear, I've had it for years now but it's such a throwback smell for me. It's quite a sweet smell, I think, but not in a sugary way. I tend to like fruity scents as well but most fragrances give me a headache -cries-.

9. What's your favorite way to do your hair?

Natural! I can't be bothered in the morning and truthfully, my hair is pretty straight on its own. Sometimes, I'll flat iron it to smooth out the frizzies or braid the front bits out of my face. But that's literally it. Low maintenance, the way I like it :)

10. What is your go-to outfit when you have no idea what to wear?

Definitely leggings and a long, soft flannel for easy-going days. When I need to be a little more dressed up, I'll stick to a soft sweater, my blush pink floral necklace, and dark jeans. Comfort is key!

11. One fashion trend you wish would come back or stay?

Fashion trends are fun but I never really keep up with them because there are just too many. They all eventually make a comeback (except for a few...)!

12. Show us your most prized possession in your wardrobe.

My mom bought me these boots for Christmas from Coach. At first I didn't like them but the more I wore them, the more they molded to my feet. Now...I can't stop wearing them! They go with everything. When I feel like wearing slouchy clothes, these boots make me look less of a slob (useful, huh?).

13. Tag some people.

YOU'RE ALL TAGGED! Duh. So get out there and tell me what your favorite fashion bits are. I can't wait to hear from you all :)

Bye for now,

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  1. I don't spend a lot on clothes to and my shampoo is also my afvourite fragrance, hahaha. What a fun little tag, Jenn!

    May | THE MAYDEN

    1. Hahaha I'm glad someone agrees with meee! Thanks for commenting, May :)

  2. Great tag - I also think my style depends on my mood! x

    Viva Epernay | Penhaligon's Giveaway

    1. Hi Sarah! Yeah I feel like it's restricting to limit yourself to just one style!

  3. Amazing tag! Really love that watch!
    Love from www.trangscorner.com {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

  4. I might have to do this tag when I get the time. Really nice post!

    Joyce // Joycentricity

  5. Your style is so great!!!
    I am 45 years old, so it is old around my eyes.
    So I wear sunglasses always :)


    1. Thank you! That's such a fun fact :) I don't wear sunglasses because I would need prescription ones...I can't wear contacts..they freak me out!!


Thank you for taking the time to stop by! Always happy to hear your thoughts :)