

by - July 23, 2012

Do the Cheetah Girls sound familiar?

Well whether you used to watch them or your kids watched them, Adrienne Bailon, one of the Cheetah-licious Girls, pulled a bad warddrobe choice a few months ago.

During the Escape to Total Rewards event in New York, she walked out with a see-through black and champagne dress.

The first thing I noticed about this dress was her out-in-the-open butt.

It wasn't until the end when I saw that there was a ball of fabric bunched in the front where her nether regions were.

Suffice it to say, other than the leather jacket, I hated this outfit. I can't even comprehend the thought process behind her reasoning for wearing it to a public event. Or any event at all.

Okay, I can understand wanting a little attention.

Maybe she truly loves that dress.

But there are so many things she could have worn to prevent that ...naked look.

#1: Wear nude colored boy shorts.

#2: Wear a skin-colored slip.

#3: Wanna be sexy? Wear a lace skin-colored slip.

There is nothing attractive or good looking about a dress that shows too much.

What do you guys think? Let me know! And if you want to see the post, click here.

Until next,
{kissy faces}

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  1. Woah, that is scandalous!! I was really afraid to scroll down because I thought it was just going to be here bare ass! LOL. At least the lace was there covering some of it, but man, I'd never wear that dress in public. Too crazy! <3


    1. LOL trust me, I felt the same way when I saw the article! It ruined my entire image of the Cheetah Girls...

      Honestly! The dress is way too risque...in a bad way!


  2. errrr.... the dress is ah... ummm.... *speechless*...
    btw, thanks for the comment on my blog!!!

    1. Hahahahaha it really is more than just a fashion faux pas. I feel like my eyes were so tainted after seeing this. And in shock that anyone would go out wearing something like that!

      And no problem! :)



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