
Simple Exercises for Lazy People

by - February 28, 2017

-cue infomercial voice-

Are you an expert sleeper? Would you rather stuff your face than go to the gym? Then these simple exercises may be right for you!

Okay but really, raise your hands if you can't be bothered to work out because you're too tired in the morning or when you come back home after a long day. Or maybe you would just rather spend your time doing something else, like going to the movies or hanging out with your friends. You realize every January that your resolution to work out just isn't going to... work out.

Here are FIVE super easy exercises you can do while tackling other daily tasks:

one. Butt/leg lifts while you're brushing your teeth. If you're going to be standing around for those two minutes anyway, you might as well! For one minute, lift the left leg from front to back, focusing on the butt muscles. Then repeat for another minute on the right leg. Easy peasy.

two. If you are watching a video on your laptop or computer or watching a movie on television, you can do some squats during commercial breaks. You can do this the traditional way or against a wall.

three. Are you making dinner and waiting for the water to boil or waiting for a lasagna to bake? Take that time to do some push ups against the counter! Place your hands on the edge of the counter and push off as if you were doing push ups on the ground. You'll be at a diagonal angle. You can do as much or as little as you want.

four. Cleaning? Wipe countertops in a top to bottom motion to work out the arms. You can also do this if you are mopping.

five. If you're checking your phone or tablet, lay it on the floor. And then do a 30 second to 1 minute plank. This way, you're exercising your mind and your body. Efficiency!

Just a disclaimer, I am not a personal trainer!!! I am not an expert on fitness. These are just some suggestions for quick exercises that you can do in your free time. Remember it's also important to warm up before you do anything strenuous and stay hydrated!

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  1. I love this! I always try to work out..but sometimes I am not feeling it and these are perfect :) Planking ant netflix doesn't sound too bad haha

    Enclothed Cognition

    1. Hahahah, #NetflixAndPlank could be the next big thing :)

  2. I love this!!! Haha I'm definitely lazy so these are perfect for me :D Xx

    1. Thanks!! I'm so glad there are other people who can relate to this lol

  3. LOL. I definitely needed this post! I'll admit I'm so lazy about working out when it comes to the wintertime. Thanks for the tips!

    Looks by Lau

    1. LOL yay! I know what you mean...I'd much rather burrow under my blankets than go to the gym.

  4. This is TOO cute!!! Love it! Exercise could be "deadly" sometimes but I try to love it. Thanks for sharing this dear :*


    1. LOL not sure if I would describe it as deadly but I'm glad you liked the post :)

  5. these are such fun and indeed easy exercise!
    I love the brushing teeth ones

    The Sweetest Escape


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