
Window Displays

by - September 05, 2012

As a lot of you guys know, I returned to college this week (blah!) and was inspired by my Visual Merchandising class to do this post.

Prior to this, I never paid much attention to window displays and who was the brains behind the whole process but if you think about it, it's quite fascinating. For higher end stores, visual merchandisers can afford to play around a little more and let their creative noggins loose. However, if you're taking a stroll around the mall, many window displays are kept simple and usually a bit boring.

But do they do a good job of getting you to come into the store, regardless of their simplicity?

Here are a few pictures I took today for a project. Which one stands out the most to you? Can you recognize the store even without the name?

Let me know what you think down below! Have a great rest of the week :)

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EDIT: Hello all! As promised (sort of), I'm going to post the names of the stores if you haven't already guessed.

1. Bath and Body Works
2. Champs
3. Club Monaco
4. Gap Baby
5. Louis Vuitton
6. Pottery Barn Kids
7. PB Teen

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  1. Window 3 is my fav, love the outfits

    1. I love that one! I never dare venture into the stores though. My bank would literally break.

  2. Hi, Jenn!
    It is very interesting post!
    But I know only LV...

    I follow you on Bloglovin!!!
    Please me, too!


    1. Hello! and Ohh, maybe next time I'll post ones of international brands :)

  3. I like the first 3 windows and unfortuantely I can't recognize them! :(
    I have a new outfit post on my blog so come check it out! (and let me know what are the stores so i wouldn't feel dumb haha!)
    Unicorns, Heels and American Dreams

  4. You have a very nice blog! Would you like to follow each other? Let me know, please :) lots of kisses *** emexpressing.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you! :) I'll be sure to check yours out.

  5. I took a visual merchandising class last semester and I loved it! So much fun. Some of these are pretty great, Louis Vuitton especially always has awesome displays. I love that third one, but I'm kicking myself because I feel like I should be able to tell what store it is!

    1. Oh, awesome! The projects I have seem interesting but also time consuming so I'm kind of not sure how I feel about it at the moment. and yes! I love Louis Vuitton but they have the money to do cool stuff.

      hehe :)

      I'll share the answers in a few days!

  6. Love the third photo. Louis Vuitton's look very interesting but I don't get it. :))


  7. I love the pottery barn kids one! Having a blown up page of where the wild things are wallpaper behind the cute kids furniture is genious! I would totally sleep in that room :)
    Happy Friday to you!
    xo Hannah

    1. Yes!!! That's one of my favorites. I just think their windows are so cute and take me back to a good time :)

  8. The windows are all gorgeous - I really like the LV one too. I have to admit I never usually stop to look at them, but they really are visually compelling! Enjoy your class. x E

    1. Yeah, sometimes I just walk right by unless it's something super bizarre like LV haha. :) and thank you!

  9. I returned to college too last week! I am going to post about it today! Awesome photos! I hope your school is near a mall, mine is in the middle of NOWHERE! Do you know UCONN, my fellow New Englander? And thank you for your awesome comment again Chisana. I'm sure you could pull it off lol! I find it interesting when people tell me that, it could be considered personal style, when you wear something that no one else can wear the same way. Idk! But the Louis Vuitton one really makes me want to shop!


    1. WOO. My school is pretty close to a mall but you need a car to get there. Yes, I do! I have a friend who goes there :)

      Haha, please, call me Jenn. and no I really mean it when I say I can't pull it off haha. It just wouldn't be my style. :D

  10. The window from LV is so cool! Watching it here in Paris everyday!

    The Golden Bun


Thank you for taking the time to stop by! Always happy to hear your thoughts :)