
Seventeen Mag: Rihanna's Overexposed Outfit

by - June 16, 2012

There's a small post on Seventeen Mag's Fashion Blog section that talks about one of Rihanna's recent outfits in NYC where she sports a blush pink bandeau and a matching color high low skirt with black converses.

Click here to visit the actual post!

The person who wrote the post talked about how Rihanna has the body to pull off such a look, even though it may be a bit too revealing for the average person.

While everyone is entitled the freedom to wear what they want, since everyone does have a different style, I think Rihanna's outfit was border unstylish...and just plain weird.

She should have gone with a corset or a bralette if she wanted that look and then paired it with the skirt and some sandals. That way, a little bit of her stomach would be peeping out, giving it a less risque feel but still maintaining that type of style.

Another option could have been throwing a blazer over the bandeau to at least cover some of the skin from her arms and shoulders and then putting some heels on to elongate the silhouette.

Also, if she really wanted to do a ballerina meets rocker type of ensemble, I would've opted for combat boots or black flatforms instead of converses. The shoes seem too out of place and the skirt swallows up her legs. Overall, it's an extremely unflattering outfit.


That's all I have to say about that! Let me know in the comments what you guys think about this. Yay or nay?

Until next,

p.s. Happy early Father's Day!

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  1. Rihanna is so amazing!! Her outfits are always the best and this outfit just so amazing!! :)

    p.s. I hope you will check out my fashion blog too,
    if you have time! :)

    Much love,
    The Cabinet Of Fashion blog

    1. I think Rihanna, as a person, is really amazing too but this outfit is just one that I can't wrap my head around! Haha, I guess we just have too different tastes in styles :')


  2. Hii! I just agree with you so much! Rihanna looks just terible here!! What do you think if we followed eachother? Kisses, Rita

    1. Really! This outfit is just too... strange. and that would be awesome!


  3. Hi! I'm here :) Lets keep in touch! Kisses


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