Hey guys! I know I've been gone for a couple of months and so much has happened since my last post. I don't want to get into too much detail but I accepted a great job at a great company and I could not be happier with where I am right now. It's...
Inspiration Board: Pantone's Color of the Year
May 06, 2017
Hello and happy weekend! I've been MIA the past two weeks because I was recovering from having all four of my wisdom teeth taken out. Such an unpleasant experience but thankful that it's over with. So many exciting things happening now though. Walking commencement in a week. Starting a new job soon. It's...
Home Inspiration: The Pinks, The Whites, and the Blues
April 22, 2017
Happy Saturday, guys! Have your weekends been awesome? Mine's off to a pretty good start. Dreading getting my wisdom teeth taken out on Monday but happy that my sister is home for the weekend. So one of my goals for this year is to move out into my own place and that goal...
April Favorites: Bloggers
April 15, 2017
It's already halfway through April-- I almost can't believe how fast 2017 has gone. In a week or so, I'll be getting my wisdom teeth taken out...not fun. Still haven't sorted out what I want to buy for my boyfriend's mom for Mother's Day (although, if you need some ideas, here's my latest...
bestbrainstormcookflatsfoodfootweargiftguideideaslistmealmommother's daymugphotographsphotospresentsprintrecipesshoes
Mother's Day Gift Guide
April 11, 2017
Mother's Day is coming up soon so I wanted to do this post + give you guys plenty of time to start shopping! Here are FIVE gift ideas that every mom will love. ~~~ ONE - Photos Printiki is a photo printing service where you can upload pictures directly from your computer/laptop or from...
How To Style: Gingham
April 08, 2017
Admittedly, gingham is not my favorite print/pattern but paired with the right items, it can be a very cute trend for Spring/Summer. If you find one with a neutral color palette, you can treat it as a neutral piece and pair it with bolder colors, making it a surprisingly versatile addition to your...
Poll: iPhone 7 or Samsung S8?
April 04, 2017
Hey guys! I'm sorry I only have a short post for you today but be sure to check out my last one if you need help finding a graduation present! I have been thinking about getting a new phone but am conflicted about which one, esp considering the pros and cons of both....